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Bill Bug


Billbugs get their name from the adult insect's long, curved, bill-like snout. A type of weevil, mature billbugs may grow up to 1/2 inch in length. Depending on the species, their hard shells range in color from clay-brown to near black; all have an unusual pitted texture.


Billbugs love grass, and that's usually where they stay all year.


The greatest injury from billbugs usually occurs from mid-June through late July during the period of maximum heat and drought stress. In areas where the Boise billbug is present, damage also occurs in the fall and early spring. Billbugs overwinter as adults in sheltered locations in and around infested turf.

What are bill bugs?

If you're like most people, you probably didn't know that there was such a thing as a bill bug. But trust us, these little critters are very real - and they can be a big problem for your yard or garden. In fact, bill bugs are so destructive that they are considered one of the most serious pests of turf grass. These critters are actually a type of beetle, and they get their name from their long, slender bills. Bill bugs are most active in the spring and early summer, when they emerge from the ground to mate. Once they've found a mate, bill bugs will lay their eggs in the soil. The eggs will hatch into larvae, which will then feed on grass roots for several weeks before pupating into adults. Adult bill bugs can live for up to two years, and during that time they will continue to damage lawns by eating grass roots and tasty garden plants.

Are bill bugs dangerous?

Bill bugs pose no threat to humans or animals. So if you find yourself dealing with these pesky critters, rest assured that you and your family are safe. However, we can't say the same for your lawn. For such a small creature, bill bugs can cause massive damage to your grass lawn, and they shouldn't be taken lightly. They can quickly get out of control, and before you know it, you'll have dead patches of grass and little mounds of dirt all over your yard. For more information on how to control bill bugs, contact Bigfoot Pest Control today. We're here to help you keep your lawn looking its best!

Why do I have a bill bug problem?

There are a few reasons. First of all, these bugs are attracted to moist conditions. So if your lawn is extra wet or your flower beds are constantly damp, that could be part of the problem. Second, bill bugs are often drawn to gardens that have a lot of mulch or leaf litter. This is because these materials provide a perfect hiding place for the bugs. Finally, bill bugs are attracted to yards that have a lot of organic matter. This could be anything from compost to fallen leaves. So if you have any of these things in your yard, chances are you'll eventually have a bill bug problem. But don't worry - Bigfoot Pest Control can help. We offer pest control services that will take care of your bill bug problem for good. Give us a call today!

Where will I find bill bugs?

Bill bugs don't usually stray too far from grass and other plants and organic matter. You'll sometimes find them in or near your home, which usually means it's starting to get cold outside and they're looking for a warm place to spend the winter.

How do I get rid of bill bugs?

If you're looking to get rid of pill bugs, Bigfoot Pest Control is the place to call. We offer pest control services in Boise, Idaho, and we're experts at getting rid of these pesky critters. We'll start by assessing the situation and developing a customized plan to get rid of the pill bugs. Then, we'll use our state-of-the-art equipment to target the infestation and eliminate the problem. We're also happy to teach our customers everything they need to know about pill bugs so they can prevent them from coming back in the future. Give us a call today and let us help you get rid of your pill bug problem!

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